Dentistry is not expensive, neglect is! Brushing is an activity that has been embedded in our systems since time immemorial. It’s an exercise you start and end your day with, a routine that can sometimes pass by almost subconsciously, leading to bad habits and ultimately poor oral health and hygiene. Here are a few mistakes people commonly make when brushing their teeth.
The biggest myth of our time is to buy a medium or hard tooth brush to clean more effectively that’s what causes the maximum damage over the years by wearing off healthy natural teeth with overzealous care.
A common mistake is to use a medicated tooth paste meant to mask sensitivity over a prolonged period.Such a practice only masks the symptom does not treat the problem and also leaves you vulnerable to cavities, gum disease and bad breath since the predominant component in such a tooth paste is for treating sensitivity or lightening tooth color.
The type of toothpaste that you use doesn’t matter very significantly as long as you use the right amount and twice a day. Sensitive toothpastes are meant to be used for a prescribed period of time and whitening toothpastes must be used under supervision to prevent any potential damage to your teeth. Toothpaste must protect your teeth and gums both so a combination of paste that contains fluoride that protects your teeth from decay -and the gel based part has the antibacterial properties to prevent gum disease and bad breath.
Most of us hate going to the dentist and find brushing an easier alternative but you cant exactly brush off old cavities just prevent new ones.
See to it that you do not brush your teeth more than twice in a day. Excessive brushing can damage your gums and enamel. It will not take a lot of pressure to remove the plaque; hence most dental practitioners suggest brushing using a very balanced pressure.
Studies show that brushing two times a day and about 2-3 minutes every time is perfect to maintain good oral hygiene. Most people make the mistake of falling short of this duration every time they brush. You can ideally divide the mouth in four sections and approximately spend around 30-40 seconds on each section.
The strokes while brushing your teeth must be vertical and not horizontal. Many people are habituated with performing long horizontal brushing strokes; this leads to irritation and damage.
Hold your brush at an angle of 45 degrees to your gums and brush your gums and teeth with an up and down motion and short strokes. Don’t use side to side strokes. Also, start brushing on areas that you have been ignoring till now, reach the difficult to reach inner portion of your teeth. Implement it as a daily ritual and you will attain perfection in it.
Hard brushing damages the gums and is not good for you. Excessive brushing i.e. brushing more than 3-4 times is also bad for you. You must always observe a balance in brushing which keeps your dental health healthy. Since unlearning a bad brushing habit maybe harder the easier solution is to switch from a manual to an automatic brush. Going automatic by using a battery operated brush is recommended since it takes the guesswork out of brushing. It may take a while to get adjusted to but like so many other things which are designed to make life easier automatic brushes make dental hygiene very easy and can even reduce the frequency of your dental visits.
Of course, brushing your teeth is only a part of a complete dental care routine.Mouth wash twice a day you should always rinse your mouth and keep it cleaned, otherwise, the germs from the teeth will stay on. Clean between teeth daily with floss. Tooth decay-causing bacteria still linger between teeth where toothbrush bristles can’t reach. This helps remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line.Eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks. Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and oral exams. Got some questions? Ask us & comment below; we will answer as soon as possible.