Prophecy – Sometime in 2020
“All of humanity will be brought down to their knees by a virus, they will survive as
they always do, but be forced to change their life forever!! “
If someone had predicted this who would believe it ? Mankind has been through
and survived wars, nuclear disasters and natural calamities – a virus doesn’t seem like a viable threat. And yet here’s our current reality, I along with a billion people in India have spent 57 days exactly 8 weeks indoors – a phenomenon that has never occurred in my lifetime nor ever in the history of time. For those of us who are still in some form of denial and still haven’t accepted the situation we are in I would urge you to.
All those times when we complained I have too much work and I can’t work out I’m too busy. I have to eat socially here’s your chance to maintain your routine. No one has seen you for awhile how about a corona transformation – a
coronation 🙂
Some of us are working harder than usual while others have become set in the lack of a routine !
Threat – not being able to work long productive hours, wake up on time and even make it to work on time.
The discipline that we followed for years is about to crumble and going back to work will seem harder than you think.
If you thought this phase was hard watch what happens when lockdown is over and we actually have to go back to a normal life.
If there was a time to get work life balance well this is it ! Being home gives you the luxury of having meals together as a family and being there for each other. Create a boundary of timings or Both will spill into each other and you will enjoy neither.
Imagine all that time commuting and having to attend patients is all converted to time you can
actually think, strategize and do focused work.
Question is what will we as dentists do – we don’t have any patients.
If you thought you are fine think again.
Everyone is experiencing the effects of a lock down being couped up indoors is something we have never done before.
Do we expect to get out of it without any help or even acknowledging what’s wrong with us.
There will be days you will feel fear, vulnerability, helplessness, frustration even anger
and it’s ok to experience these emotions and not suppress them.
Deal with them and let them pass.
You must have emotional practices that allow you to centre back to normal.
All of these are strategies
which will help you cope
– the worst one you need to avoid
is denial and saying I’m fine.
Most of us have stunted
emotional intelligence only
because we are so busy with
work we don’t have time to
develop our inner dialogue
so here we are with the best
time at hand to develop
ourselves as intellectual
beings and have a coping
mechanism and emotional
strength for anything that
comes our way!
There will be some financial strain on all of us whether we are just graduating or we have practices or jobs. Let’s understand it best we can and plan for a 6 month period atleast.
For those of us who are dependent on our parents try to see if there’s anything you can do to
help share the load or reduce their stress.
What are the expenses we can cut down ?
What are other avenues of income we can have ?
How much personal reserve do we have ?
For those of us who have people depending on us let them know clearly how much you can support them and for how long.
– Avoid sudden lay offs.
– Figure a new strategy for payments.
– Being prepared reduces the fear of the unknown!
The ones who get ignored the most in our lives are the ones closest to us. You must realize that soon these days will be behind us and although it may seem like an eternity now, we know how time flies these weeks and months will feel miniscule. To be strong and endure no matter what’s coming. Remember there are people all over the world losing the ones they love and while we have this time with them we must make it count. So start building your relationship credits now.
We are social beings and if we are disconnected from the world there are bound to be side effects. Try to stay connected with your loved ones through social media and online meetings.
A time like this will never return where you can actually meet and speak with all Your friends all over the world, family that might be experiencing the intense effects of a lockdown- connecting with them will change your mindset and theirs !
We will go back to normal and we all know the day is not far but it’s what we make of this life
event that counts. We will all go through this time we have a choice who comes out on the
other side a broken version of you or a new and improved you !