The worst habit you could possibly have when you have food lodgement in the mouth is using a tooth pick to get rid of it. We often try and use this as an acceptable habit even socially but few things are grosser than watching people pick out food bits after meals. If you have a cavity get it fixed. We have numerous cases where the toothpicks have either injured the gums and caused a larger infection or even worse broken in the cavity and triggered of even more pain. So stay safe from dental emergencies do not use tooth picks! While it’s important to prevent food lodgement in the mouth and keep your mouth clean use things like brushes interdental brushes and floss sticks or dentists to help you do the same without harming you!
The oldest myth we have seen is brushing your teeth with a hard or medium brush.Please terminate this habit right away ensure you switch to a soft brush at the earliest. We do not need more teeth ruined or worn off due to overzealous brushing. We see cases with the entire left side worn down and sensitive and I can tell the person is a right handed vigorous brusher. The softer the brush the better it bends and cleans between teeth as well. The gums also recede due to repeated trauma from the hard bristles so save your mouth from these constant attacks in the name of cleaning.
The same principle applies when u switch from a hard to soft or extra soft brush don’t apply so much pressure that the teeth and gums are still braving the injury. You need to brush gently as though cleaning glass the force being minimum the reach and coverage being maximum! So scrubbing is a habit we need to stop.
One of the best things we can do to avoid the dentist or any dental troubles is brushing at night. When it comes to cleaning your teeth frequency matters more than force. Ensuring you clean every 12 hours makes bacterial attacks that cause decay inactive so whenever we skip brushing at night we may not realise but it’s definitely costing us.
The first sign of dental pain and we instinctively choose to ignore it hoping it will go away and if it doesn’t we want to go ahead and pop a painkiller till it does. Masking the problem will actually make it bigger – while we all know this we prefer to accept the instant relief the medication provides over the tedious dental visit that may end with bad news. But imagine if we had gone at the very first sign of trouble most likely we would get away with a dental cleaning -the later we go the more often we need to go for extensive treatments. Let’s try and muster the courage to nip these problems in the bud – a habit to develop show up at the very first sign of trouble.
We have all been our own dentists at some point ! From self medication to oral applications and home remedies when all else fails we make an appointment. A few things are harmful and should be used with care when attempting our own dental care. We recommend mild things like oral rinses or applications which relieve pain but do not use aspirin or any other pain killer to crush and put in the site, that can cause burns.
Also clove oil is a safe remedy but not cloves which can be sharp and hurt your cheek.
Do not try to remove shaking teeth or attempt any procedures the bleeding can be profuse and the damage severe . In case of trauma ice to freeze the blows and water to clean the wound will work best. In the age of technology and information let’s not fall prey to easily avoidable dental habits that harm you more than they help you. Write to us or call us at 9209200024, if you have any queries.