
Painless dental surgery is now possible as technology paves the way for it by removing the things that could possibly cause you any pain. If you had to undergo a dental surgery earlier you may have had to worry about blood loss, pain, swelling, stitches not to mention the countless gory images that come to mind – but fortunately not anymore! A surgery can be completely pain-free with little or no bleeding, immediate recovery, no stitches and no swellings having you back at work or play almost instantly. Here are few options where laser treatments can be used.


This procedure involving reshaping and reducing the visibility of the gum tissue to create an appearance of longer and symmetrical teeth. This result can be digitally planned and achieved painlessly with lasers.


Through lasers we can painlessly and accurately remove the darkened problem areas in as little as one office visit and with a very quick healing time.


Lasers are used to speed up the in-office teeth whitening procedures to create more stable long lasting results.


Lasers can be used to remove a small piece of tissue so that it can be examined for cancer. Lasers are also used to remove lesions in the mouth; and relieve the pain of canker sores.


LASER light removes bacteria and diseased tissue from the root canal system,reaching far beyond the mechanical means of cleansing it leaves the tooth absolutely infection free and decontaminated.GUM DISEASE – LASERS are instrumental in the treatment of inflammation and/or bleeding of the gums by decontaminating the area of bacteria and promoting new attachment and healing of gum tissues to teeth. Signs of Gum Disease

  • Bad breath that won’t go away
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Painful chewing
  • Loose teeth
  • Sensitive Teeth
  • Receding Gums